Reseller Setup Guide

1. WHMCS Integration

1.1. WHMCS Server Module

Here are some important files and guides that you need in order to set up your WHMCS reseller modules:

  1. Download the WHMCS Server Module:
  2. Upload the Module: Upload the `` file to the `modules/servers` directory of your WHMCS installation.
  3. Extract the Files: Extract the contents of `` inside the `modules/servers` folder.
  4. Edit the Token File: Navigate to the `LicenseDash` folder, open `token.php`, replace `Your_Token` with `LDSD9832YHUBEF8923UYBWD01238HEU`, and save the file.

Get you token from: Reseller Panel > WHMCS Intigration

For Example : LDSD9832YHUBEF8923UYBWD01238HEU;

1.2. WHMCS Addon Module

  1. Download the WHMCS Addon Module:
  2. Upload the Module: Upload the `` file to the `modules/addons` directory of your WHMCS installation.
  3. Extract the Files: Extract the contents of `` inside the `modules/addons` folder.
  4. Edit the Token File: Navigate to the `licensing` folder, open `token.php`, replace `Your_Token` with `LDSD9832YHUBEF8923UYBWD01238HEU`, and save the file.

Note: Ensure both modules are uploaded and configured for full functionality.

2. Installer Script

  1. Upload the Installer Script: Download `` and upload it to your domain at
  2. Ensure Execution Permissions: Set permissions for `` to `755` to make it executable.

3. Setting Up Products in WHMCS

3.1. Create a New Product Group

  1. Access WHMCS Admin Area: Log in to your WHMCS admin panel.
  2. Navigate to Product Setup: Go to `System Settings` > `Products/Services`.
  3. Create a New Group: Click `Create a New Group`, enter a name (e.g., "cPanel License"), and save.

3.2. Create a New Product

  1. Add New Product: Click `Create a New Product` within the group you created.
  2. Configure Product Settings:
    • Product Type: Select `Other`.
    • Product Group: Choose the group you created.
    • Product Name: Enter a name (e.g., "cPanel License").
    • Module: Select `LicenseDash Licensing System`.
  3. Configure Custom Fields:
    • Field Name: Enter `IP`.
    • Field Type: Select `Text Box`.
    • Description: Enter `Please add your server IP Address to activate the license.`.
    • Validation: Leave empty.
    • Select Options: Leave empty.
    • Admin Only: Leave unchecked.
    • Required Field: Check this option.
    • Show on Order Form: Leave unchecked.
    • Show on Invoice: Leave unchecked.
  4. Configure Module Settings:
    • Module Name: Select `LicenseDash Licensing System`.
    • Server Group: Choose `None`.
    • Products: Select desired products from the dropdown menu.
  5. Set Pricing and Other Options: Configure as needed and click `Save`.

What to do if I don't have WHMCS?

You can use our Reseller panel URL to manage your licenses directly: