LicenseDash WHMCS Documentation
Download LicenseDash Auto Installer / Updater
Here are some important files and guides that you need in order to set up your WHMCS Auto:
- Download the WHMCS Auto Installer / Updater:
- Upload the zip: Upload the `` file to the `Public_html` directory of your WHMCS installation.
- Upload the zip: Upload the `` file to the `Public_html` directory where you want to install it.
- Extract the Files: Extract the contents of ``.
- Installed: Navigate to the ``.
- Update / Install: click on update or install as per your needs.
- Change Permission: After you update or installed already change permission from 0755 to 0000 so no one can access it.
Note: The WHMCS Auto will not work if you dont have a license from us, so buy WHMCS license now.
- Installs the latest version from WHMCS server
- Updates the latest version from WHMCS server
- Auto replace their licensing server to LicenseDash
- One-Click Auto Install with in seconds
- One-Click Auto Update with in seconds
Note: Ensure you have the license otherwise it will not work.